Nuestro objetivo es contribuir al desarrollo sostenible de los territorios donde estamos presentes: Perú, Chile y Brasil. En Redinter trabajamos para ti, para todos.
We have been present since 1999 in the departments of Amazonas, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Moquegua, San Martín, Tacna, Puno, and Cusco. There, we manage 1,691 km of circuit kilometres of transmission line through the companies Red Eléctrica Andina S.A.C. (REA); Red Eléctrica del Sur S.A. (REDESUR); and Red Eléctrica del Norte Perú S.A.C. (REDELNOR), through its subsidiaries Transmisora Eléctrica del Sur S.A.C. (TESUR); Transmisora Eléctrica del Sur 2 S.A.C. (TESUR 2); Transmisora Eléctrica del Sur 3 S.A.C. (TESUR 3); and Transmisora Eléctrica del Sur 4 S.A.C. (TESUR 4). It is also included Concesionaria Línea de Transmisión Carhuaquero-Cajamarca Norte-Cáclic-Moyobamba S.A.C. (CCNCM).

We have been present in Chile since 2016. Today, we operate and manage 1,776 circuit kilometres of transmission line in the Arica and Parinacota, Antofagasta, Tarapacá and Atacama regions of the country through our subsidiaries: Red Eléctrica del Norte (REDENOR), in which we have a 69.9% shareholding; Red Eléctrica del Norte 2 (REDENOR 2), in which we have a 100% shareholding; and Transmisora Eléctrica del Norte (TEN), in which we have a 50% shareholding.

In 2020, we acquired 50% of the common shares of the Brazilian company Argo Energía (Argo Energía Empreendimentos e Participações), dedicated to the management of 34 substations 4,209 km of high-voltage transmission lines in the northeast of the country.

San Isidro, Lima - Perú
Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
São Paulo - SP - Brazil - CEP 04538-905